How KPI utilises Footscan Technology

Provides an overview of the Footscan and how this piece of technology is being utilised at KPI

We have invested in sports technology ensuring we are able to provide the highest level of care to all athletes. Alongside investing in neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), they have invested in Footscan.  This article is going to go into more detail and provide an overview of the Footscan and how this piece of technology is being utilised at KPI and how it can have a positive impact on you. 

What is the FootScan? 

Footscan is a piece of clinically accepted software which is used to analyse gait, movement, foot pressures and much more. The force plate is used for biomechanical assessments to optimise treatment pathways and outcomes for all clients at KPI whether that be professional or members of the public who have an interest in health and fitness.

The advanced technology measures pressure and force distribution at high speeds and resolution which allows for a wide range of analysis.

Additionally, the footscan allows for capture of static balance dynamic data through measurement of level postural sway, the weight distribution through your feet and the location of centre gravity, all which are important to look at in detail when looking at reducing pain symptoms and/or improving performance levels. Another outstanding feature of the footscan is its ability to generate an orthotic design. This is created by a Phits 3D printer which is the first and only 3D printer based on dynamic gait scanning.

How do KPI use FootScan in practice? 

At KPI, the FootScan is used in several different ways to enhance the service provided to all clients. Initially, the Footscan is used as part of KPI’s athlete profiling system (APS) which is an in-depth, whole-body assessment. The footscan is used to capture static balance and then also for gait analysis which paints a picture of how the athlete is moving – even like Erling Haaland at Manchester City (See picture below). This data is then used and is linked with other assessments that are part of the APS to gain further understanding of why the individual may be experiencing specific symptoms that may be limiting performance. Collecting all this information and data is also used to try and identify a reason for recurring injuries.

footscan technology in work

The footscan is not only used as an assessment tool but also as a training tool. KPI often used the footscan’s force plate during strength sessions with their clients to provide live feedback which often leads to an improvement in output. For example, as you can see in the picture it is being utilised during a calf isometric, providing live isometric strength scores to the player and driving competition between a group of players.

a picture of legs in trainers

In summary the footscan is used by KPI as an assessment and training tool with the main aims of improving movement efficiency, reducing injury risk and ultimately improving performance levels no matter what your sport or profession is.

How can FootScan benefit you? Orthotics & injury prevention studies 

As previously mentioned, the Footscan can create an orthotic design (see below pictures) which is based on a functional biomechanical assessment here at KPI. The orthotic is a prescription insole which is made of high-quality material meaning they are extremely durable and environmentally friendly. Phits insoles are designed to fit into various shoe types which can be discussed at your assessment. They can be designed for footballers, runners, cyclists and even construction workers. Following the assessment, the data is analysed, and the orthotics are designed so that they alter and improve the function of the foot and ankle complex. Which can be a cause of pain local to the foot or even further up the chain such as knee, hip or even lower back pain. Common issues where orthotics can help are plantar fascia, hallux rigidus, achilles tendinopathy.

custom 3-d printed orthotics
custom 3-d printed orthotics


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